Thursday, December 25, 2008

In the wheat field...

It has been quite a whirlwind in the realm of the Juja Java dream lately.

Titus and I took an adventure journey to the land of Oz (Kansas) two weekends ago. I posted a little bit about that on my own blog. Now it is time to record more thoughts on our blog.

Our journey to Kansas was beautiful for several reasons. First, and obviously, we were able to see four, yes FOUR, of our teammates from our summer in Kenya-- Justin, Ashley, and David live in "The Little Apple," (Manhattan) and Sarah ventured down from Joplin to spend a night with us. Second, we met and acquired a new member of the family, Ashley-- who will be marrying our brother Justin in May. And third, if the good fellowship and new family were not enough, we ventured through the Oz Museum-- a gem of a place hidden in the little town of Wamego which contained over 2,000 Oz artifacts.

Yet those are just the surface things, the surface blessings from our trip. I felt a very deep and spiritual sensation while we were in Kansas. And I still feeling the ramifications of that sensation and stir.

I think of one particular quote a lot when I think of my Kenya team. The quote says, "Each person represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."

I think of this because the day that I met my teammates, especially those closest to me, a new world was born.

Moreover, the day that Titus and I became to put together the dream of Juja Java, another new world was born.

And in both of these new worlds- my relationships and my dream- I find them overcoming and taking precedence over things that used to occupy my world as a whole. And it is to the point where I do not know what I did before the existence of these two new worlds.

So when I see these relationships and our dream interacting together, I experience as I said, a very deep and spiritual sensation. It is as though my soul is most alive, most stirred, among our team and our dream.

Thus the ramifications of this stir, the ramifications of our weekend in Kansas, was the sensation that perhaps the possibilities for Juja Java are much broader than we originally imagined or intended. Perhaps it may not be in Atlanta. Perhaps in will be in another city and another state. And perhaps we will have the honor of teammates residing among us as we run, chase, and live the dream that God has for us.

And so the dream is only getting bigger in the sense that it is only getting broader. We have no idea where Juja will be. We have no idea who Juja will work with. We have no idea what Juja will contain.

But we do know the dream is alive, well, and increasingly broadening. It is as broad and endless as a wheat field of Kansas. And we stand still in the wheat field, so to speak, until we have some place to move, figuratively and literally.


1 comment:

james bridwell said...

congrats on the progress guys. im excited to see what comes of this.