Monday, February 9, 2009

The more...

It has been an exciting past couple of weeks for Erin and I. On this path towards Juja Java, we have found ourselves again and again longing to return to the country of Kenya, the birthplace of our dream.

This longing has slowly overtaken us. And it has overtaken us to the point of action, to the point of pursuit.

Thus a few weeks ago, Erin and I began to communicate with CMF about returning to Nairobi as apprentices. We were accepted. Upon this, we started the slow process of going back, sending e-mails to this missionary and that missionary, on and on.

Meanwhile, I just kept thinking that this would be six predictable months of my life after graduation. I just kept thinking about that I would return home in June of 2010 in order to go back to school. I just kept thinking that we would float for the six months while we were there.

Yet it seems as though there are greater things in store for us as we return to Kenya. We have not only been accepted as apprentices, but we have been asked to do more.

More looks like taking pictures of sponsored children, writing their sponsors, writing publications, posting on the website, etc. More looks a lot more definite and perhaps a little more long term than six months of floating. More seems strikingly similar to all of that things that we already love to do.

And I want more. Erin wants more. We want more.

I find myself speechless and in awe of this "more." I find myself whispering to God that I am not worthy of such an opportunity. I find myself praying that no sin will intrude on such service. I find myself realizing that life is about to be much bigger than I ever dreamed it would be.

I find myself wondering why such paths are opening up to me, opening to us.

Though I have no answer, I think of the words of King David who said, "I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free."

So I look to this more, I look to Erin, then I look to me, and I nod, I whisper, I pray. For we are about to be set free.

And thus Juja is about to be set free.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

In this together...

Erin showed me this video this week. It moves me tremendously. And it makes the passion I have for Juja Java burn hotter, stronger, and brighter.

We scream, "That's not right. That's not fair." And we want to be a part of the people who are doing more. We want to be a part of the people who are willing to have it cost us something.

So Juja, we pray you do something about this. We pray that we do not forsake the lives of others at any point on this journey, lest we forsake our own lives.

We are all in this together.