Saturday, November 15, 2008


"Even when we sleep, our desire does not. It is who we are. We are desire. It is the essence of the human soul, the secret of our existence. Our desire, if we will listen to it, will save us from committing soul-suicide, the sacrifice of our hearts on the altar of getting by. The same old thing is not enough. It never will be."

My desire is to love: to love God whole-heartedly and to love His people.

I once read that the story of your life is the story of the journey of your heart through a dangerous and beautiful world. About a year ago, my heart began to beat for Kenya; a heartbeat so loud I found myself living there for two and a half months this past summer. And it was there, that I came to know my God in a different way. I saw Him in a different light. He exposed to be how vast and wide He is, how big, how HUGE! It was there that I came to know my God of an unlimited nature. And this was so different to me because up to this point, I had put Him in a box; I had tried to contain Him. It wasn't until this summer that I let Him break free. There is no more impossible; only unlimited possibilities.

BREAK FREE. Wow. Sounds amazing, doesn't it?

It was also in Kenya, that I met this crazy radical passionately pursuing God in the same way as me. Her name is Bethany:) We instantly bonded through the love of our Savior, but also through the love we have for people, Kenya, and coffee. And in a place so far away from home, she was my home, my safe-haven. And it was the start of a beautiful friendship that opened up the dream to a beautiful partnership.

With the talk becoming a reality, I realized the comfort of home found in her was not just something in Kenya, but something I experience everytime I am with her. As we collect cookbooks and share in the dream God has laid on our hearts, we surrender fully to the Giver of Life.

As I sit listening to Hillsong, "Show me Your heart; show me Your way; show me Your glory", I praise the One who finds us worthy of the call. Because it's ALL about Him, not us. So whether the plans change along the way, the goal remains the same: loving our Father with abandoned delight and responding to His voice.